Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I bought a camera!

We fly out of Melbourne at 2.40 pm today, so are just doing last minute preparations. Thought I might give an update on the camera purchase for those technophiles out there. I had decided to buy an SLR digital camera so that I could not only take better happy snaps, but also take better macro photographs of jewellery I have made.

I settled on an Olympus E-410 with a 14 - 42mm zoom lens, and also bought a Zuiko 35mm macro lens for good close-ups of jewellery. A key factor in deciding on this particular camera was that it is promoted as the smallest and lightest SLR-D on the market and that certainly was my perception, having had a good look at what was available for a similar price. This is an entry level camera but it will do all I want it to do and more. I am extremely pleased with my choice so far, having played around with it for the last three weeks, and having gone to a two-day workshop on taking more professional photographs of your own artwork. Actually, I think it is more user-friendly than a normal digital camera.

I also was talked into buying a 2 gig SanDisk Extreme III flashcard which can hold more than 800 jpeg files/photos. I already have an 18 gig iPod which has over 8 gig of music on it and still has available just over 9 gig of space for photos. By my calculations, that's room for about 7200 photos. I figure that if I take that many photos in 9 weeks I need to come home and get a life!

Oh, and my wonderful family bought me an iPod docking station for my recent birthday so we can listen to music sans earphones wherever we might be.

At this stage, the biggest decision we have to make is: do we book a taxi to the airport at 12.00 or 12.15?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.